What Causes Neck Pain
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What Causes Neck Pain?



24/7 Emergency Auto Injury Appointments In Glendale, AZ

Neck pain is a familiar ailment. Your neck muscles can be affected from bad posture — if it’s hunching over your PC or bending over your work bench. Osteoarthritis is an additional commonplace cause of neck pain.

Seldom, neck pain may be a symptom of a more significant issue. Find medical care when your neck pain comes with numbness or decline of strength in your arms and/or hands or if you’re feeling sharp pains into your shoulders or down your arm.

Neck pain Symptoms

Signs and symptoms comprise of:

  • Pain that’s usually exacerbated when you keep your head in one place for extended periods, like when you’re driving or using a computer
  • Muscle tightness and/or spasms
  • Reduced capability to move your head
  • Headaches

When to Seek Medical care

A lot of neck pain improves progressively with at-home therapy. When it doesn’t, seek medical care.

Find immediate care if serious neck pain is the result from an injury, like a car accident, sports injury, or a harsh fall.

See a doctor when your neck pain:

  • Is intense
  • Lingers for several days with no sign relief
  • Shoots down arms or legs
  • Comes with headaches, numbness, fatigue, or tingling

Neck Pain Causes

Your neck is pliable and supports the entire weight of your head, making it susceptible to injury and circumstances that cause pain and hinder motion. Neck pain causes comprise of:

  • Muscle strains Excessive use, like too much time bent over your PC or tablet, usually sets off muscle strains. Even minute things, like reading in bed or grinding your teeth, could strain your neck muscles.
  • Worn joints. Comparable to the other joints in your body, your neck joints are inclined to wear away as you age. Osteoarthritis induces the cartilage between your vertebrae to decline. Your body then creates bone spurs that impact joint movement and can be the cause of pain.
  • Nerve compression. A herniated disk or bone spurs in your vertebrae in your neck could press on the nerves that branch out from your spinal cord.
  • Injuries. Rear end car accidents typically result in a whiplash injury, in which happens when the head is yanked back and forth, straining the soft tissue in your neck.
  • Diseases. Specific diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, brain inflammation (meningitis), or cancer, could be the cause cause neck pain.

Neck Pain Prevention

A lot of neck pain is related with bad posture mixed with age associated wear. To aid in preventing neck pain, try keeping your head centralized over your spine. Some easy changes in your day to day routine could help. Think about trying to:

  • Implement good posture. As you stand and sit, have your shoulders straight over your hips and your ears right over your shoulders.
  • Frequently Take breaks. When you drive long distances or work hours on end at your PC, stand up, walk around, and stretch out your shoulders and neck.
  • Arrange your workstation so the monitor is at eye-level. Your knees should be a little lower than your hips. Utilize the armrests of your chair.
  • Try not to hold the phone in the middle of your ear and shoulder as you talk. Instead use a headset or speaker phone.
  • If you’re a smoker, quit. Smoking increases the risk the development of neck pain.
  • Try not to carry heavy bags that have straps over your shoulders. The weight can put strain on your neck.
  • Try sleeping in a beneficial position. Your head and neck need to be lined up with your body. Have a little pillow underneath your neck. Try to sleep on your back with your thighs raised by pillows, in which will level your spinal muscles.


  1. Neck pain. (2020, July 31). Retrieved October 21, 2020, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/neck-pain/symptoms-causes/syc-20375581

We Care Chiropractic Offers Neck Pain Relief In Glendale, Arizona

If you’re searching for neck pain relief near me in Glendale, you’re not alone. Our chiropractors in Glendale can help! We Care Chiropractor offers neck pain relief services in Glendale, Arizona, and surrounding areas. We specialize in providing relief from a wide range of common chiropractic issues. Please give us a call at (623) 825-4444


Nutritional Counseling
Written by webtechs

Nutritional Counseling



24/7 Emergency Auto Injury Appointments In Glendale, AZ

If you are searching for “nutritional counseling” the following information can help! At We Care Chiropractic Clinic provides particular diet suggestions on nutritional supplements and healthier food choices to enhance our patient´s return to optimum health.

What is Nutritional Counseling?

Nutrition counseling is a continuing process in which a health professional, usually a registered dietitian (RD)or a certified nutrition consultant, that works closely with individuals to review her or his usual dietary intake and identify troubled areas where changes need to be made. A nutrition counselor offers information, educational resources, mental support, and follow-ups to help the individual make and maintain the dietary changes needed.

Are you nervous about seeing a nutritionist? Don’t be! A nutrition counseling meeting may never be like getting a massage, but it also doesn’t have to be torture. A good nutrition consultation shouldn’t feel like preaching about what you should be eating, and you also shouldn’t feel as if you’re being judged or scolded on your eating habits, either. Instead, we take the time to listen intently and to understand where you are right now in the particulars of your diet and lifestyle and will work with you to help you reach your goals. Nutritional counseling can be done by a registered dietitian (RD) or a certified nutrition consultant. Both RDs and nutritionists are qualified to devise individual nutrition plans to help you start on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

Who Can Benefit from a Nutrition Consult?

A lot of us can benefit from working with a nutritionist, for many various reasons–whether you need a complete diet revision, are looking to control a medical condition, want to customize your food choices or get some inspiration for new, healthier recipes. It’s a good idea to schedule a nutrition consultation after a check-up with your PCP. In doing so you can help inform whether you have any particular conditions that can be taken aim at with nutrition, like elevated cholesterol or blood sugar, or blood pressure issues.

While some people come in for a nutrition consultation to find out more about how their food choices affect their overall health, others end up in here at their doctor’s recommendation. The following list is just a few of the health conditions that can improve specifically from intervening dietary changes:

  • Heart Disease
  • Celiac Disease
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Allergies
  • Pregnancy
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Diabetes and Pre-Diabetic Conditions
  • Obesity or Overweight

How Much Does Nutritional Counseling Cost?

Depending on your location, the out-of-pocket cost for a nutritional counseling meeting runs around $125. Usually, the service won’t be covered by your health insurance, but it’s worth it to call your insurance provider and see if nutrition counseling is a benefit in your plan. Nutrition counseling can be a very practical investment for your long-term health. If better nutrition allows you to lower your cholesterol or blood pressure, or get your weight in check, it can possibly save you thousands in medications and other care long term.

Will I Have to Stop Eating Everything I Love?

Positively not! A nutrition consult is an alliance. Nutritionists don’t tell you what to do to refine your diet; we also help you set and reach your health goals. We start with changes that will have the most influence and including the strategies that make the most sense that will fit your lifestyle. The idea is to design a plan that puts you back in control and on your way to better health.

We Care Chiropractic Clinic Offers Nutritional Counseling In Glendale, Arizona.

If you’re searching for nutritional counseling near me in Glendale, Arizona, you’re not alone. Our Nutritional Counseling in Glendale can help! We Care Chiropractor Clinic offers nutritional counseling services in the Glendale, Arizona, and surrounding areas. We specialize in providing relief from a wide range of common chiropractic issues. Please give us a call at (623) 825-4444.


Neck Pain Relief
Written by webtechs

Neck Pain Relief



24/7 Emergency Auto Injury Appointments In Glendale, AZ

If you are searching for “neck pain relief” the following information can help!

Neck Pain

If you’re suffering from neck pain maybe you slept on your pillow the wrong way. It is also possible that it could be DDD, spinal stenosis, neck strain, osteoarthritis, cervical spondylosis, poor posture, neck injury such as whiplash, a herniated disc, or a pinched nerve. It doesn’t matter what the cause is, after the onset of neck pain, it is hard to shake off.
Everyday life isn’t friendly to the neck. You might be too familiar with that cramp you get when you need to check your phone for emails, or the strain you may feel after working at your computer all day.

Neck pain seldom starts overnight. It typically evolves over time. And it may be stimulated by arthritis or DDD, and heightened by poor posture, diminishing muscle strength, stress, and even lack of sleep.

Tips For Neck Pain Relief

You can help take care of your neck by following the next 6 tips:

1. Don’t stay in a single position for too long. It’s hard to reverse bad posture, but if you get up and move around often more, you’ll prevent getting your neck stuck in unhealthy positions.

2. Make some ergonomical adjustments. Position your computer monitor so it’s at eye level so you can see it more natural. Use hands-free functions on your phone or wear a headset. Place your tablet on a pillow so that it’s at a 45° angle, instead of laying it flat on your lap.

3. If you’re a glasses wearer, make sure to keep your prescription up to date. When your prescription is out of date you tend to move your neck closer or further away to compensate.

4. Keep your pillow usage down. Sleeping with a lot of pillows under your head can hinder your neck’s range of motion.

5. Know your own limits. For example, before you move a big couch across the room, think about what it could do to your neck and back, and reach out for help.

6. Try and get a good night’s sleep. Sleep issues increase the risk for various conditions, like musculoskeletal pain.

Therapy For Neck Pain Relief

Physical Therapy
A physical therapist can show you alignment and neck-strengthening exercises, correct posture, and can also use ice, heat, electrical stimulation and other measures to help ease the pain and help hinder a recurrence.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
Electrodes are placed on your skin near the painful areas and deliver tiny electrical impulses that can help relieve pain.

Traction uses weights, pulleys, or a type of air bladder to lightly stretch your neck. This therapy, under the watchful of a medical professional and physical therapist, may help relieve some of the neck pain, especially pain related irritation of nerve roots.

Temporary immobilization
A soft collar that braces your neck can help relieve pain by taking tension off the structures in your neck. However, if they used for more than 3 hours at a time or for more than 1 to 2 weeks, it could do your neck more harm than good.

Usually, neck pain is nothing to be concerned about, but if it’s happening with other, more significant symptoms, like radiating pain, feeling of weakness, or numbness of leg or arm, make sure to see your doctor.
Other things that might be more concerning are having a fever or weight loss associated with your neck pain.

We Care Chiropractic Offers Neck Pain Relief In Glendale, Arizona

If you’re searching for neck pain relief near me in Glendale, you’re not alone. Our chiropractors in Glendale can help! We Care Chiropractor offers neck pain relief services in Glendale, Arizona, and surrounding areas. We specialize in providing relief from a wide range of common chiropractic issues. Please give us a call at (623) 825-4444