Lower Back Pain Exercises To Avoid
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Lower Back Pain Exercises To Avoid



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If you are experiencing lower back pain, you will want to avoid running, doing crunches, off-road biking, weight training, and other high-impact activities.

Exercises To Avoid With Lower Back Pain

It’s important to avoid doing these five exercises listed below when you are experiencing pain in your lower back.

1. Running

Sure, a runner’s high may be a great feeling, but repetitively pounding your feet on the ground or treadmill can wreak havoc on your lower back. Running can put stress on a disc or strained muscle. Try walking instead of running for the foreseeable future. Walking can strengthen your lower back and leg muscles. This activity will be gentle on your back as you continue to recover.

You will not cause any further damage to your spine when walking. If you are recovering from a bad back flare up, then start by simply walking ten minutes per day.

2. High-Impact Activities

Avoid doing any high-impact activities while experiencing back pain. These activities include jogging and high-impact aerobics. Doing any of these can put pressure on a disc, leading to more soreness, overall.

It’s recommended to try water aerobics or yoga instead. Due to the buoyancy of water, swimming can give you a workout without any jarring movements that can cause flare ups. Yoga also focuses on relaxation, flexibility, and posture. Be sure to only work with a yoga instructor who has knowledge of lower back injuries.

3. Crunches

Classic sit-ups and crunches involve movements that will arch your back and bend your knees. This can worsen back pain by putting more pressure on spine discs. Try doing some modified sit-ups instead of the classic exercise.

Modified sit-ups call for individuals to lay on their back with both feet firmly planted on the ground. Bring your knees up to a bent position, then cross your arms over your chest. Tuck your chin into your chest and raise yourself upward until your shoulder blades are off the ground. Next, elevate your upper shoulder toward the ceiling with your head. Hold the position for ten seconds before returning to the starting position.

4. Heavy Weight Training

It should come as no surprise that lifting heavy weights can lead to increased back pain. Lifting heavy weights causes you to hold your breath, leading to pressure in the abdomen.

Try lifting machine weights to minimize the back pain. Machine weights are safer for vulnerable backs because it gives you the control to add on as much weight as you can handle. If you are used to lifting 100 pounds, try lifting 25 pounds for a little while.

5. Off-Road Biking

Riding your bike on a smooth road is okay, but off-road biking is not recommended. Constant bouncing off-road will exacerbate back pain.

Try using a recumbent bike at this time. A recumbent exercise bike will support your lower back by forcing you to keep your back straight. These bikes help you maintain a proper posture and stay “spine neutral.”

We Care Chiropractic Clinic In Glendale, AZ

We Care Chiropractic Clinic offers Chiropractic Care in Glendale, Arizona.  We specialize in providing relief from a wide variety of common chiropractic problems. Contact us today at (623) 825-4444 for more information.


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