What Does A Chiropractor Do
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What Does A Chiropractor Do?



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When people search for alternatives to back pain relief, the majority decide on chiropractic treatments. There are roughly 22 million Americans that go to the chiropractor each year. From these, 35% (7.7 million) are looking for back pain relief due to different reasons, such as sports injuries, accidents, muscle strains, etc. Other reasons could be due to pain in the arms, neck, legs or even headaches.

What’s Chiropractic?

Chiropractors are doctors which use physical spinal manipulation, as well as other treatment alternatives. In theory, the body’s musculoskeletal structure being in proper alignment, especially the spine, can enable to body to better heal without the need of medication or surgery. The manipulation used focuses on restoring joint mobility and restriction caused from tissue injuries from traumatic events, like repetitive stress, such as sitting without the correct use of back support and falling.

A chiropractor is mainly used as an alternative to pain relief for joints, muscles, bones, even connective tissue, like ligaments, cartilage, and tendons. There are times it is used along with conventional medical treatment too.

A chiropractor is identified by the initials ‘DC’, and education commonly includes 4 years of chiropractic college in addition to an undergraduate degree.

What’s involved?

First, the chiropractor will take your medical history and perform a physical exam. Depending on your situation, they may also take lab tests or use image diagnostics to decide if treatment is the appropriate approach to your back pain.

Treatment plans could include a single adjustment, or multiple visits where the chiropractor manipulations your joints. They use a sudden, but controlled force to improve the quality and range of motion. It is common for chiropractors to integrate nutritional counseling as well as exercise and/or rehabilitation. With chiropractic care, the goals are to include function restoration and prevention of further injury.

What’s the Benefits and Risks?

Chiropractic care and spinal manipulation is often considered to be safe, and an effective treatment with acute lower back pain, types of rapid injury which results from getting tackled or moving furniture. It is more common to have acute back pain than chronic back pain, as it often improves on its own and only lasts up to six weeks.

Additionally, research has indicated that chiropractic methods have benefits in treating headaches and neck pain. Also, fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis could respond to moderate pressure that is used by practitioners and chiropractors using deep tissue massage.

Although, studies have not confirmed the effectiveness of sclerotherapy or prolotherapy for relieving pain that is used by some osteopaths, medical doctors, and chiropractors for treating chronic back pain. This kind of pain can occur quickly or slowly, and lasts longer than three months. Therapy for this includes getting injections like anesthetic or sugar water to assist in strengthening ligaments within the back.

Those that have spinal cord compression, inflammatory arthritis, osteoporosis, or those that take medications or blood thinning, should avoid spinal manipulation. Additionally, those with a history of cancer should also get clearance form their medical doctor prior to getting spinal manipulation.

Treatments will be based around your back pain diagnosis. You should inform the chiropractor of your medical history, including your current medications, any ongoing medical conditions, lifestyle factors and traumatic or surgical history. Even though rare, there are cases where treatment worsened a slipped or herniated disc, or spinal cord injury occurred from neck manipulation. To ensure safety, you should always verify with your medical doctor to ensure your health conditions will allow you to benefit from using a chiropractor or another alternative to pain relief.

Glendale Chiropractic Services

At some point everyone gets a sore back or has an injury. If you have been involved in an accident, a sports injury, or just have tweaked your back and want relief our office can help you. We Care Chiropractic in Glendale Arizona cares about you and your health. Let us use our knowledge to diagnose the cause of the pain and come up with a treatment approach that will help you regain your full range of motion and living a pain free life. Give us a call today at 623-825-4444