Glendale Sciatica Chiropractic Treatment
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Glendale Sciatica Chiropractic Treatment



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Sciatica is a common realm of treatment for Chiropractic Doctors. When pain starts in your lower back and buttocks and then travels into one or both legs you’ve got a Sciatica problem. Even for the individual Sciatic nerve pain varies with frequency and intensity. Pain can be constant, frequent, or intermittent. The severity of the pain can vary too, from severe, moderate, and minimal. Conveying the frequency and severity of pain can help you chiropractor treat your pain more effectively.

What Sciatica Is

A common misconception about Sciatica is that it is a disorder. It is in fact a symptom of a disorder that affects a lot of Phoenix residents.  The disorder it many times caused by nerve compression. So it is a sign that something is wrong, not a disease itself. It is like a red light telling you to stop and take a moment to find out what is really wrong. Some of the disorders or conditions that can cause Sciatica are herniated or bulging discs, lumbar spine subluxations, child birth or even pregnancy.  There are a few non-spinal disorders like constipation, diabetes, tumors, or something as simple as sitting on your wallet too much.

Sciatica pain is usually described as an achy, dull, toothache like pain. Some experience the pain as sharp, pins and needles like pain that is similar to electric shocks. Additional symptoms possible include numbness, tingling sensations, and even burning.

Piriformis Syndrome is one of the most common causes for Sciatica. The piriformis is a muscle that ties the lower spine to the thighbone. Its purpose is to help with hip rotation. The piriformis muscle is susceptible to getting injured by slips and falls. It can also have problems if you have different leg lengths or develop hip arthritis. If this muscle starts to tense or spasm it pinches the Sciatica causing discomfort, pain and inflammation. Along with insomnia, Sciatica pain can even result in the loss of feeling or paralysis of a single limb or group of muscles.

Accurate Diagnosis of Sciatica is Critical

We have discussed a few of the possible causes of Sciatica pain. However there are quite a few possible causes for Sciatica pain. To form a correct diagnosis for your Sciatica pain your Chiropractor will perform a physical and neurological examination and thoroughly review your medical history. Your chiropractor many times will need to get some tests to accurately diagnose what is causing your Sciatica pain. Some of the tests can include x-ray, CT scans, MRI and/or electrodiagnostic tests.

There are a few causes of Sciatica that are beyond the scope of Chiropractic treatment, so accurate diagnosis is very helpful for the doctor and patient. If your doctor determines that your disorder is in fact caused by a disorder that will not respond to chiropractic treatments they will refer you to another medical specialty to receive the treatment and pain relief you are seeking.

Sciatic Chiropractic Treatments For Symptoms

Which type of chiropractic treatment your chiropractor recommends and employs to help you with your Sciatica pain depends on the cause of your Sciatica pain. These treatments are drug-free and non-invasive. The treatments used to treat Sciatica are many times trying to capitalize on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. This is based on the principle that restricted or interrupted spine movement causes pain and diminished performance and function.

Treatment Types For Sciatica

In Glendale you’ll find that the variety of Sciatica treatments can vary from cold/ice therapies, ultrasound, spinal adjustments, and TENS. Which type or types you’ll need depend on your cause and severity of Sciatica pain. Below you’ll find more detailed descriptions of each type of Sciatica treatment.

Ultrasound Sciatica Treatment – Using sound waves heat is transferred deep into tissues. This heat helps increase circulation and helps to cut down the cramping, muscle spasms, stiffness, swelling and pain.

Cold/Ice Therapy – The application of ice packs or cold helps to manage pain and reduces inflammation.

Spinal Adjustments – Everyone who has been to the chiropractor knows the table and the relief when a spinal adjustment brings that relief for pain that’s been plaguing us for weeks, months, or years. This is the core of chiropractic treatment. These adjustments return the vertebral bodies to their proper position in your spinal column. This spinal adjustment and manipulation restores unrestricted movement of the spine and reduces nerve irritability. When the nerves are calmed down it will reduce inflammation, pain, muscle spasms and the other symptoms that have been plaguing you. These adjustments should not be painful and are safe and effective.

During training and education in college chiropractic students learn to master different spinal adjustment techniques. These can vary from a minimal or gentle pressure to swift high velocity thrusts to treat the several types of subluxations and disorders.

TENS UnitTENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. This simply means that this therapudic device uses electrical impulses delivered through the skin to help treat your Sciatica. It is a small battery powered machine that is portable. It has variable levels of intensity to customize the level of treatment to your needs. Larger more powerful units are used by physical therapists and in chiropractic offices.