How Do You Know If Back Pain Is Muscle Or Disc
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How Do You Know If Back Pain Is Muscle Or Disc



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The back plays a pivotal role in so many daily activities. Whenever we walk, bend over, climb stairs or even stand still, the back is always in use. That’s why back pain is one of the most common medical complaints among both men and women. Frequently, back pain is the result of muscle strain and herniated discs. So how can you tell if your pain is the result of strain or a herniated disc?

Herniated Disc Symptoms

A herniated disc will occur when one of the spongy discs located between each pair of spine bones is squeezed out of its normal position. This results in the discs bulging outward, beyond the bone edges. The herniated part of the disc will then press on the nerves as they exit the spine, creating pain and other symptoms.

This pain is typically confused for muscle strain since the symptoms are very similar. Here is a quick guide on how to tell if your back pain is the result of a herniated disc:

  • The symptoms extend from the neck or lower back all the way to the shoulders, buttocks, legs or arms. When the nerves exit the spine, they travel on to other parts of the body. This means you could experience pain all the way down to your calves or hands.
  • You may notice muscle weakness or fatigue in your arms, hands or legs. Your muscles will undoubtedly be affected since nerves control muscle movements.
  • You experience shock-like bursts of pain, tingling or numbness. Nerves are responsible for sensation, so when a nerve is compressed, it will interfere with your ability to feel.
  • Whenever your symptoms are focused around the neck, shoulder, lower back or buttocks areas, it’s a sign of a herniated disc. The lower back and neck are the most flexible parts of your spine, and typically responsible for most herniated discs.
  • Your symptoms will worsen when bending or straightening up. Movement can intensify pressure on the disc and surrounding nerves.

Herniated discs most commonly occur among individuals who are:

  • Pregnant.
  • Obese.
  • Older.
  • Sit or stand for long periods of time.

Muscle Strain Symptoms

Muscle strains are injuries to muscles or tendons. Sometimes simply called pulled muscles, strains can occur in the lower back as well as the back of the thigh (hamstring). The biggest difference between a sprain and strain is that a strain involves injury to a muscle or the band of tissue attaching muscle to bone.

Here are some signs and symptoms of a muscle strain:

  • Swelling.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Pain.
  • Tenderness.
  • Muscle spasms.
  • Limited range of motion.

How To Find A Chiropractor For Muscle Strain Or Herniated Disc

Located in Glendale, AZ, We Care Chiropractic has been providing the valley with the best chiropractic services for years. We Care Chiropractic emphasizes its focus on improving overall health, which can prevent further illness and pain. Let We Care Chiropractic help your body function at an all-time high. Chiropractors are a great alternative to traditional medicine, and much less costly than any surgical repairs.

Feel free to contact the team at We Care Chiropractic today! Read more about all the chiropractic services one can find in Glendale.