I Cracked My Neck And Now It Hurts
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I Cracked My Neck And Now It Hurts



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Cracking your neck can be a way to relieve any tension, but is this action bad for your overall health? Like most habits, doing so in moderation is not a problem, but cracking your neck frequently may lead to spine issues or worse. If you have cracked your neck and it hurts, you may need to see your healthcare provider sooner rather than later.

Is Cracking Your Neck Bad?

Before diving deep into neck cracking, it is important to mention that scientific research is limited on this topic. Neck cracking is generally regarded as bad and it can be potentially dangerous if:

  • You crack your neck multiple times each and every day.
  • You hear a loud popping noise while cracking your neck.
  • You use your hands to crack your neck.
  • You feel any pain while doing this motion.
  • You have been previously diagnosed with a spine condition like osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease.

Pain Caused By Cracking Your Neck

Cracking your neck under any of the conditions listed above is bad because it can strain or stretch the ligaments in your neck. These ligaments are designed to keep the spine in place. Strain on the ligaments can lead to inflammation and pain. Loose ligaments can allow the vertebrae to move, ultimately putting additional pressure on your discs and nerves.

More immediate problems associated with neck cracking are the risks of dissection and stroke. Arterial dissection is a tear in the inner lining that can occur in the vertebral arteries that run along your neck and feed into your brain circulation. Bood clots can happen where this tear occurs, and if the clot travels to your brain, it can cause an ischemic stroke. Unfortunately, vertebral artery dissection is one of the most common causes of stroke in individuals under the age of 45.

Can Cracking Your Neck Be A Sign Of A Serious Problem?

When you crack your neck to try to relieve some pain or discomfort, it is usually a sign that something is wrong. It’s recommended to see a healthcare provider for assessment instead of continuing to crack your neck for momentary relief.

Typically, this will result in some imaging like an MRI or X-ray. The good news is that most people experiencing neck pain will not need to undergo surgery.


If a chiropractor is simply giving you a massage and your neck cracks without any force, this is the same as the occasional neck cracking you may feel when stretching. Always talk to your chiropractor ahead of time if you are wondering about any sort of neck manipulation.

We Care Chiropractic Clinic In Glendale, AZ

We Care Chiropractic Clinic offers Chiropractic Care in Glendale, Arizona.  We specialize in providing relief from a wide variety of common chiropractic problems. Contact us today at (623) 825-4444 for more information.


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