Chiropractic Care And Obesity
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Obesity is as much a problem in society as any health issue. It can cause the weakening of bones as well as respiratory and cardiovascular distress.
A person is thought to be obese when their BMI (Body Mass Index) is in excess of thirty percent of what it should be.
How Chiro May Help
Nerves from the area of the spinal column carry impulses throughout the body through their connection with the brain. If this is effected in an adverse manner, hunger and eating cues may be triggered as well as other complications. Subluxations of he spine can limit the range of motion an individual has and that also reduces their capacity for physical activity. Generally body fat puts a lot of pressure on the skeleton and can lead to bone and muscle misalignment, resulting in injury and pain. These are issues regularly handles successfully by chiropractors.
Diet Concerns
Some chiropractors are also trained fitness and health that can benefit weight loss goals as part of an overall plan for physical improvement combined with lifestyle and nutritional advice.